Saturday, November 28

Some Interesting Words

quixotic |kwikˈsätik|adjectiveexceedingly idealisticunrealistic and impractical: a vast and perhaps quixotic project.
insubordinate |ˌinsəˈbôrdn-it|

adjectivedefiant of authority; disobedient to orders: an insubordinate attitude.

kapellmeister |kəˈpelˌmīstər|nounthe leader or conductor of an orchestra or choir. Historical, a leader of a chamber ensemble or orchestra attached to a German court.
hiatus |hīˈātəs|noun (pl. hiatusesusu. in sing. ]pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process: there was a brief hiatus in the warwith France.

Stolen Magic

I just finished the first draft of my novel, Stolen Magic. Here is the description to share with everyone!

Cassie and John have been slaves to the primary street-gang of Direhallow Keep for over five years. No magic, no family, and no one but each other. Everyone has magic, it seems, everyone but they. Magic would make everything better; it would give them food, clothes, and revenge on the gang that treats them as non-humans. Everyone in Direhallow is born with a certain amount of magic, and that places your position in life. 
So when all of the magic in Direhallow vanishes, the world is left speechless. The King issues a proclamation that anyone who finds the stolen magic will be given a place in the Royal Army. Cassie and John, with all their street-smarts are only too eager to go, or die trying. And that may be the case.
Along the way to find the magic, Cassie and John will encounter hungry ogres, mutant birds, and a band of animals all with the intent to guard the secret of the hidden magic. When it's too late to go back, and when the two are dangling over a fire with ogres all around, they will realize- was magic really worth it?
Stolen Magic reveals the best, the worst, and even the undiscovered true magic that lives within us.

Wednesday, November 25

The Home Strech

It's the 25, today. We have only five days left to fulfill our goal of either 50,000 or a basic goal that our Young Writes Program allows us to do. By now, many of our fellow NaNos have finished their novel, and others may only be halfway done. But whether we're 20,000 words away from finishing or 2,000 words away, it's sure that many fibers are flying across the keys, wrists burning and eyes aching from the cruel, blinking cursor.
But we have to keep pushing.

Come on, NaNo's! Keep writing! Beat that inner critic!

Monday, November 9

J.K Rowling's Harry Potter

It would seem that every writer aims to be like J.K Rowling. I don't. The story of Harry Potter, in my opinion, is a good plot line, but the actual quality of the writing itself is horrible. Also, another thing that is horrible in the Harry Potter books is the amount of detication there was. Starting around the third or fifth book, the relationships and subplots were so badly formed it left the readers with a question. 
I do like the story of Harry Potter, I really do, yet in the recent years I have really noticed how the style of writing varies from some other writers, such as Eva Ibbotson or James Barrie. If you take out of the signifying words, like "Harry", "Hermione", "Ron", "Ministry of Magic", and "Malfoy, what you have is a collection of badly formed sentences that give no meaning what so ever. 

Saturday, November 7

Polly Wants to be a Writer

Polly Wants to be a Writer by Laura Thomas
4 stars

         If you want to be a writer like the main character Polly, read this. If you do not want to be a writer, keep reading this. It is NOT an instruction guide, some moldy old textbook. It is a novel that is unlike any other, with writing tips and exercises embedded in the pages. This is an amazing piece of work that combines fiction, well-plotted characters, and detailed settings.

Friday, November 6

The First Week of NaNoWriMo

Hello, fellow NaNo participants! The first week of National Novel Writing Month is closing, so lets all apluad each other for getting through the first week. Even if you haven’t reached your goal for this week yet, no need to fret; the first week is always the hardest. If you have, great job! 
I am in the beginning of my story, still, and running out of ideas already. Is this happening to anyone else? If it is, or if you can anticipate it happening to you in the meantime, here is a list of crazy ideas that is sure to liven up any story, whatever genre. 

  • Include a strange weather phenomenon
  • Kill a charcter. It’s never too early to do that. 
  • Give your main character a pet
  • Have your villian go on a mustache-drawing spree
  • Blow up a planet. 
  • Have your characters cross a river or body of water
  • Find gold or precious jewels

Mr. Lemoncello's Library Oylmpics

Mr. Lemoncello's Library Oylmipics by Chris Grabenstien
4 stars

This new, second installment of Mr. Lemoncello’s library adventures is worthy to stand by the first. This book is packed to the brim with puzzles, riddles, and a new, looming challenge for Kyle Keely’s team- the Hometown Heroes! If you loved the first, or any of Chris Grabenstein other books, this is a book that should definitely be in your shopping bag.

*This comes out in January of 2016

The Thing About Jellyflsh

The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin
5 stars

“Twenty three people are stung by a jellyfish every five seconds.”
The Thing About Jellyfish is an amazing, inspiring book that makes you cry and think deeper than the usual surface of things. This book is great for anybody who has experienced a loss in their life, and for people who are deep thinkers. The Thing About Jellyfish will change your life to look beyond the ordinary and protect those who have little power in this great big world of ours. At reading this work of art, you'll never forget the pain, joys, and bitter reminders of mistakes that were inside these pages.

The Circus Act

        When Nathan’s mother called me I knew that something had happened.
There were police cars in Nathan’s yard, with yellow tape stretched all over the house, from the rickety gate that was tilted slightly to the side, to the vegetable garden filled with squash and pumpkins, perfect food for the closing of fall. I don’t know exactly how the bike and I separated, but somehow we did, the blue bike skating into the middle of the road, and my body tumbling to the sidewalk. The blue and red lights from the police cars slowly flashed across the pink scrapes on my hands and knees, skin slightly peeling off.
Not caring about the horrid sting, or my bike, which was probably going to get run over, I leapt to my feet and rushed into the house. I burst into Nathan’s room, his mother standing by the door. She put a hand on my shoulder as I surveyed the room. The only difference was a rope, hanging from a hook on the ceiling. The lantern that used to swing there was discarded on the floor, and a stool was right underneath the rope.
I understood.
“No,” I breathed. I looked desperately to Nathan’s mother, who was holding an envelope in her hand. There were more on the desk, labeled “Gracie," “Daddy," and “Mommy.” The one that Nathan’s mother had in her hand was labeled, “Vivace”.
She gave it to me, lip quivering. “I had hoped, that he would be strong enough to survive the bullying,” she looked around the room once more. “but, obviously, I was wrong.” She took a deep breath in. “You were his best friend, Vivace, and were the one who helped him stand up straight, no matter what the other kids said about him.”
She thrust the letter into my trembling hands, stumbled slightly, then left the room, mumbling,” You should have just one more time to be with him.”
I stared at the white envelope in my hands. Sliding my thumb beneath the seal, the letter inside stared up at me. I opened it, to see Nathan’s tiny printing filling the whole letter, front to back in dark purple ink.

Dear Vivace,
You were right when you said that this year was a circus, when you said that everyone played a role. You were the trapeze artist, the bullies were the clowns, and our classmates who stood and watched were the acrobats. And I was the tightrope walker.
At the beginning of this year I was falling from my tightrope. I was holding on with just the tips of my fingers, slipping closer and closer to falling. But when you came, every day I grew stronger. Every day that you helped me, protected me, was my friend, I stood up a little taller. I stood up high on that tightrope again.
But I’m sorry to say that I failed you. Every time when you were not with me I was pushed off my tightrope. I was pushed until I couldn’t hold on anymore. And so I fell.
I’m sorry that I fell, Vivace. I’m sorry that I couldn’t hold on any longer. I’m sorry that I have to end my life. I just can’t go on like this anymore.

Your best friend,
Nathan Puller

I sank down to my knees in disbelief. He was gone. The bullying that I had worked so hard to protect him from had overwhelmed him. He was gone.

Tuesday, November 3

NaNoWriMo 2015

Yeah! It's that time of year agin, everybody. Time for NaNoWriMo, or,  National Novel Writing Month. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a 30-day challenge to write a full-length novel. Now, it's your choice if you want to do the adult version or the young writers version. The only difference is that the young authors get to chose what our word count goal is.
If you don't have an account already, I encourage you to sign up. It's a great experience that you'll never forget. Also, if you complete your word goal there are tons of cool prizes and discounts available, like certificates and a discount to publish your book using self-publishing!

Write on, fellow NaNos!