insubordinate |ˌinsəˈbôrdn-it|
adjectivedefiant of authority; disobedient to orders: an insubordinate attitude.
kapellmeister |kəˈpelˌmīstər|nounthe leader or conductor of an orchestra or choir. Historical, a leader of a chamber ensemble or orchestra attached to a German court.
hiatus |hīˈātəs|noun (pl. hiatuses) [ usu. in sing. ]a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process: there was a brief hiatus in the warwith France.
kapellmeister |kəˈpelˌmīstər|nounthe leader or conductor of an orchestra or choir. Historical, a leader of a chamber ensemble or orchestra attached to a German court.
hiatus |hīˈātəs|noun (pl. hiatuses) [ usu. in sing. ]a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process: there was a brief hiatus in the warwith France.
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